An aircraft stall is an aerodynamic condition in which the aircraft exceeds its given critical angle of attack and is no longer able to produce the required lift for normal flight. Yet albeit rare, stall can lead to a fatal loss of control.
I started my research on this topic in 2016. My former Ph.D student Torbjørn Cunis was co-advised with Jean-Philippe Condomines (French School of Aviation) and did an amazing job!
We proposed some new tools to better model and control a stalled aircraft.
For those interested in theory, I recommend reading the following recent papers:
T. Cunis, L. Burlion and J-P. Condomines, "On Piece-wise Polynomial Modeling for Control and Analysis of Aircraft Dynamics beyond Stall", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 42(4), pp. 949-957, 2019
T. Cunis, J-P. Condomines, L. Burlion and A. la Cour-Harbo, "Dynamic stability analysis of aircraft flight in deep-stall", to appear in AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 2020.
T. Cunis, J-P. Condomines and L. Burlion, "Sum-of-squares flight control synthesis for deep stall recovery", accepted to AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics.
Also, this year, I had the pleasure to advice Brian Lai a senior at Rutgers MAE.
Brian is the recipient of a NJ Space Grant Consortium Academic Year Fellowship and one of the four James J. Slade Scholars selected as a finalist presenter. In his presentation attached below, Brian discusses some techniques that can be used to study the ability of
a recovery strategy to return a stalled aircraft to its nominal flight envelope.